Below are some standard basic email templates that you can setup:
1. Risk Creation
Risk Owner will receive an email when a new risk is created and assigned to them.
Subject: A new risk has been created
For your information a new risk has been reported.
Risk Code: [RISK_CODE]
Risk Description: [RISK_NAME]
Responsible Officer: [RESPONSIBLE_PERSON]
Current Risk Rating: [REVISED_RISK_RATING]
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2. Risk Review Reminder –
Risk owner will receive an email 14 days prior to a risk being due for review to advise them of upcoming review date.
Subject: Your risk is due for a review in 14 days
Your risk is due for review in 14 days:
Risk Code: [RISK_CODE]
Risk Description: [RISK_NAME]
Risk Review Date: [RISK_REVIEW_DATE]
Responsible Officer: [RESPONSIBLE_PERSON]
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3. Risk Overdue –
Risk Owner / Department Manager and Risk Manager will receive an email 20 days after a risk is overdue for review
Subject: Your risk is overdue by 20 days
Your risk review is overdue by 20 days. Please login to CAMMS and complete a review as soon as possible:
Risk Code: [RISK_CODE]
Risk Description: [RISK_NAME]
Responsible Officer: [RESPONSIBLE_PERSON]
Risk Review Date: [RISK_REVIEW_DATE]
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Risk Actions
1. Risk Action Creation –
Risk Action Creation – Risk Action Owner will receive an email when a new risk action is created and assigned to them
Subject: A new risk action has been created and assigned to you
For your information a new Risk Action has been created and assigned to you.
Risk Code: [RISK_CODE]
Risk Description: [RISK_NAME]
Risk Action Title: [RISK_SOLUTION_NAME]
Responsible Officer: [SOLUTION_OWNER]
Action Next Review Date: [SOLUTION_NEXT_UPDATE]
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2. Risk Action Due date Reminder –
Action owner will receive an email 14 days prior to an action reaching Due date (Action End Date).
Subject: Risk Action is due for review in 14 days
Your risk action is due for review in 14 days:
Risk Code: [RISK_CODE]
Risk Description: [RISK_NAME]
Risk Action Title: [RISK_SOLUTION_NAME]
Responsible Officer: [SOLUTION_OWNER]
Click here to access CAMMS
3. Risk Action Overdue –
Action Owner / Risk Owner will receive an email 20 days after an action is overdue (action end date)
Subject: Your risk action is overdue by 20 days
Your risk action review is overdue by 20 days. Please login to CAMMS and complete a review as soon as possible.
Risk Code: [RISK_CODE]
Risk Description: [RISK_NAME]
Risk Action Title: [RISK_SOLUTION_NAME]
Responsible Officer: [SOLUTION_OWNER]
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The top 10 risks are selected by the latest updated risk rating (this could be from the Initial/Revised/Future assessments). So basically this will capture the latest updated risks, where the risk rating has been changed. Then those 10 risks will be sorted by the highest risk score.
Risk controls can be linked to other risks, therefore the system has been designed to keep them active even though the risk is inactive.
The rules around Risk and Planning/Project is as below:
1. If you have created a Risk for an cammsproject PROJECT, the Risk will appear under Project Risks within the Risk Module (under the PROJECT TITLE grouping)
2. If you have created a Risk for a cammsstrategy planning ACTION, the Risk will appear under the Project Risks within the Risk Module (under the ACTION TITLE grouping)
3. If you have LINKED your cammsproject PROJECT to the cammsstrategy Planning ACTION, and you create a risk from either the project or action side, then the Risk will appear under the Project Risks within the Risk Module (under the ACTION TITLE grouping – as this takes priority over the project – but should only appear ONCE – not twice).
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The lines are solid when the rating changes from ‘Initial to Current’ and the lines are dotted when the rating changes from ‘Current to Future’.