This product release update features a detailed explanation of the enhancements released for Camms.Risk during Q2 (Apr-Jun) of 2022. Keep reading to find out how you can optimise the new features to streamline your organisation's risk management processes. If you need in-depth information, you may access our release notes.
The revamped Controls module enables Controls to function independently, with no mandatory links to Risks. Controls are available as a standalone module which can be combined with Camms products such as Risk and Compliance.
This new Risk Attention report provides a summary view of all risk movements within a selected reporting period, along with its associated Risk Controls and Risk Actions, followed by its corresponding detailed view.
This new report comprises of a dashboard view providing an overview of Controls, followed by details on each Control along with its linkages.
The Risk Register report is enhanced to display Organisational linkages for Controls and Risk Actions, as well as the Revised End Date for Risk Actions. Moreover, you will now have the option of filtering the report content through multiple Secondary Risk Owners.
That’s all for now! For detailed information on the above enhancements, access our release notes.