Delve into the Camms.College solution, a comprehensive online learning portal crafted to boost your knowledge of Camms solution functionality, best practices, and concepts. In this course, you will uncover the potential of the Camms.College Learning Experience Platform (LXP), along with the self-paced, on-demand training it offers. Guiding both new and existing users, we'll demonstrate how to effectively utilise the LXP and its self-service features to create a personalised learning experience for every learner.
Learn how to leverage the Camms.College Learning Experience Platform to access a wealth of learning collateral and support services, enhancing your organisation’s knowledge and performance.
Solution Overview
Discover the value you can gain through Camms.College through a holistic learning experience and its diverse content offerings.
Accessing Camms.College
Discover the most convenient methods of accessing Camms.College LXP. Learn convenient methods for logging in and navigating the platform.
Accessing Learning Content
Find out how to access our courses and webinars, and use our self-service features. Learn how to self-enrol for any public training material within the Catalogue, view your enrollments, and use the Course Player to its full potential.
View and Access Certificates
Explore how you can earn certificates while enhancing your professional capabilities. In this lesson you will learn how to access your certificates through the application.
Value Added Services
Explore the additional value added services that are available to help you make the most of your Camms.College subscription.
Discover how to access our professional support services for assistance with Camms.College.