Quick, Targeted Learning to Meet Your Needs

The Microlearning video repository provides an efficient learning experience for users seeking to quickly upskill on specific features of the Camms solution. Through our carefully curated repository of concise, bite-sized videos, users can focus on the exact information they need, when they need it. This approach empowers users to rapidly comprehend and utilise particular features or functions within the system, enhancing their proficiency and effectiveness with our solutions.

Explore our Microlearning videos and experience the transformative impact of this innovative learning method tailored to your needs.

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Enhanced Quick Update
Video Duration: 28 Sec
Explore the new Quick Update where you can effortlessly update your responsibilities from anywhere within the Camms product suite.
Risk Creation Approval
Video Duration: 29 Sec
Learn how to effectively establish and configure Risk Approval processes for each distinct risk type.
Risk Aggregation Copy & Move Pop-Up
Video Duration: 28 Sec
Explore the upgraded features of the Risk Aggregation Copy/Move function.
Customise Risk Register View
Video Duration: 29 Sec
Discover how users can effortlessly modify and tailor the view on any of the Risk Registers to align with their individual preferences.
Creating and Grouping New Risk Types
Video Duration: 54 Sec
Learn to add new Risk Types and categorise them for easy identification, enhancing flexibility and efficiency in managing your Risks tailored to your needs.
Common Register Configuration
Video Duration: 29 Sec
Understand how to configure common Register Configurations such as the Executive Dashboard, Heatmap Dashboard and Dashboard.
Risk Appetite Settings: Benchmark Values & Appetite Types
Video Duration: 55 Sec
Discover the ability to define and modify Risk Appetite Benchmarks and their values along with Risk Appetite Rating Type values.
Standard Role Permissions
Video Duration: 27 Sec
Apply the new Standard Roles setting to manage inherited permissions for the Risk Responsible Officer and Secondary Risk Responsible Officer.
Modernised Quick Update Widgets
Video Duration: 51 Sec
Explore the modernised My Quick Update, tailored for a more streamlined experience when carrying out periodic updates.
Enhancement to My Settings Page
Video Duration: 48 Sec
Explore the upgrades to the My Settings area with the ability to tailor your default view on the Quick Update, and set your timezone and language preferences.
Creating and configuring Custom Registers
Video Duration: 45 Sec
Discover how to create customised Registers linked with various Risk Types, and learn how to tailor the Register's view to meet your specific needs.
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