Quick, Targeted Learning to Meet Your Needs

The Microlearning video repository provides an efficient learning experience for users seeking to quickly upskill on specific features of the Camms solution. Through our carefully curated repository of concise, bite-sized videos, users can focus on the exact information they need, when they need it. This approach empowers users to rapidly comprehend and utilise particular features or functions within the system, enhancing their proficiency and effectiveness with our solutions.

Explore our Microlearning videos and experience the transformative impact of this innovative learning method tailored to your needs.

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Introducing the Enhanced Action List Report
Video Duration: 1 min
Explore the enhanced report that consolidates actions, budgets, risks, and tasks to simplify tracking and managing your strategic initiatives.
Introducing the Enhanced Strategies Report
Video Duration: 52 sec
Discover the enhanced Strategy report that organises your organisation's strategies into Governance, Responsible Officers, and Target Initiatives.
Introduction to Project Settings within Camms.Project
Video Duration: 49 sec
Discover the key purpose of the Project Settings area within Camms.Project.
Introduction to Project Codes
Video Duration: 31 sec
Delve into project codes and discover their significance to understand why they are configured into project workflows within Camms.Project.
An Introduction to Calenders within Camms.Project
Video Duration: 2 min
Take a look at calenders within Camms.Project and understand how they facilitate the smooth flow of your workflows.
Exploring the Calendar Functionality within Camms.Project
Video Duration: 54 sec
Learn how to navigate to the calender section within Camms.Project and explore the structure of a project calender.
How to add a Custom Calendar in Camms.Project
Video Duration: 2 min
Learn how to create your own calender within Camms.Project to improve and optimize project timelines.
Create a Custom Email Template in Camms.Project
Video Duration: 3 min
Learn how to create custom email templates that are tailored to fit unique events and conditions.
Setting Up Email Rules in Camms.Project
Video Duration: 3 min
Learn to set up email rules within project settings to exercise control over automated email notifications which add efficiency to project workflows.
Introduction to Project Workflows
Video Duration: 2 min
Understand what a project workflow is and how they add structure to a project by facilitating effiecient project management.
How to Navigate to the Project Workflows Section
Video Duration: 29 sec
Learn to navigate to the project workflows area within Camms.Project workspace.
How to Navigate Through the Project Workflows Page
Video Duration: 39 sec
Navigate to the project workflows page and gain an understanding of the different elements present on the page and the functionality of each element.
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